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Remote leads in gap analysis, investment proposals, and enterprise architecture, providing expert advice on technology, organizational design, and capability delivery for Defence and National Security.

Gap Analysis & Investment Proposals
Remote has been engaged on many occasions to assist in identifying the future technology, people, and processes required to support strategic intelligence and security outcomes.

Leadership in Portfolio-Level Reviews
We have been leaders or key participants in several portfolio-level reviews, assessing how enterprises execute their missions.

Development of Strategic Artifacts
Our team has authored a range of artifacts to make the case for restructuring or wholesale technology transformations.
Enterprise Architecture & Org Design
Remote boasts a team of senior architects, engineers, and managers with extensive experience in capability delivery within Defence and National Security settings.

Experienced Leadership
Many of our professionals have served as senior executives responsible for capability realization or sponsorship in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), Australian Public Service (APS), or private enterprise.

Unique Expertise in Capability Advice
Their diverse experience in various foreign and domestic settings positions them uniquely to provide advice on future capabilities and the necessary organizational, policy, people, or process changes required to achieve complex outcomes.